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  • MovieCutter
    Sep 27, 12:46 PM
    Me too. And I wish Safari had a "Sure you want to quit?" dialog box for those times when we accidentally do a Command + Q in it.

    It does in Leopard...

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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 28, 10:52 AM
    Wow, this is going to over-lap with E3. It'll be a hell of a week. :D

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  • Squonk
    Nov 14, 09:35 AM
    Very cool idea. Now, what airlines need to do is publish this information on their websites so you can know when choosing your seats what are the accommodations of 19F.

    I'm going to Hawaii next spring on Delta, if I knew for sure that my seat will have video and a dock connector, I'd be sure to upgrade to an iPod video for the trip. That would be very, very cool.

    So, next year we'll have iTV, hopefully higher res offerings in the itunes movie store and the ability to watch this on the airplane. Sweet.

    Of course the one thing that no one has mentioned yet is that many of the screens on planes are in crappy condition... :(

    "Excuse me! Does anyone want to switch with me who has a good screen and an isle seat? Anyone???" :D

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  • Sydde
    Mar 30, 08:33 PM
    Additionally it's illegal under WTO rules.


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  • KingYaba
    Apr 22, 05:07 PM
    Mac users also are more likely to describe themselves as computer-savvy

    Having run Linux for the past two years, I find this bit hilarious.

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  • funkywhat2
    Jul 6, 12:11 AM
    Originally posted by awulf
    The Macintosh SE has a 68000 processor which limits it to the StyleWriter series (I think up to the StyleWriter II works on it). Laser printers are different and to my knowledge all LaserWirters will work on a Mac SE.

    THe Mac SE can have up to Mac OS 7.5.5, which includes the LaserWriter 8 driver and other LaserWriter Drivers.

    It depends on what ports are available on your LaserWriter. Tell us the model name.

    I don't have one yet, looking for info so I won't waste my money.


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  • spazzcat
    Apr 1, 09:10 AM
    The only way we are ever going to get consumer friedly online tv is if the Googles and Apples of the world start creating their own content...

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  • Blue Velvet
    Oct 26, 03:56 AM
    I've decided to not go today... got other things to do. Have a good time, those that will be there. :)


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  • RaZaK
    Mar 27, 02:35 PM
    Nice dude, you really had to go there right? A good'ol racist comment.

    how was the statement racist?

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  • thatisme
    Mar 29, 12:37 PM

    go down to COMPARED ..

    now roll over the images.. if you tell me that that 55-250 shot is a 1.6 crop and the 70-X shots are very different you DO live on another plant (the 55-250 shot was manualy zoomed to match the 70-X shot hence the SLIGHT difference in focal length).. I am assuming same the review is about the lens and the FoV is too close to be recreated beteen full frame and crop.

    you are twisting things nicely around now..

    @Cliff, my bad I remember seen the high speed crop also on the D3 series but I might be wrong. The D700 however does have a crop but also allows you to shoot your DX lens on full frame (which will vignette) but has no speed increase over the full frame mode.

    It is kind of funny how you try to wiggle yourself out of this though...
    We (a buddy and me here, pro photographer but you would dismiss this anyway as him not knowing either, are having a great time with your "knowledge" and your way of going from the 200mm debacle to IMAGE... and no, the image will still not be different between an EF-s and an EF lens at the same focal length on the same body.

    End of story..if you are so sure.. why don't YOU prove ME wrong? you posted 1 picture of a modified 5d, which wasnt even yours. there is no 10mm on full frame (hence the vigneting) so you would have to shoot that 52 with the 10-22 at 22mm and then use a full frame 22 milimeter lens and compare it, because you ARE arguing, at least now, that the image will be different. It won't except for the vignetting.. re-read your own statements from before and watch how you ended up now on the "image" :)

    Don't worry, by Monday I will prove it to you but why don't you prove me wrong before?.. I dare you.

    EF-s lens and EF (or DX and FX for me) at the same focal length on the same camera, same f stop, same shutter speed... Exif data intact.

    To the OP: I have to apologize for this and this is the last post related to Thats me from my side:

    To answer your question: EF-s is cheaper as stated before the mess and is targeted specifically for the crop sensor bodies. You CAN fit both EF-s and EF on a crop sensor body and you will get the same image. EF lenses are just made for full frame as also stated before.

    sorry for the mess.

    With your link provided, I agree there is a slight difference there, but as you said, you ASSUME that it was with the same camera.... That would be my assumption as well, however, that example hardly makes your case, as the 70mm had to be manually dialed in... a small change has a big effect at long distances.... just saying... Show it using a prime (can't) or at the long end of the lens where there is no room for error or adjustment (200mm example). Eliminate all variables.

    So, quit your arguing and prove it with a real world example with your gear. I don't own any EF-S lenses anymore, so let's get that in the great wide open, so I can't run this comparison for you. There is a fundamental reason for that, which gets more to the point of the OP... Image quality is flat out crap as compared with Canon's L glass, which just so happens to be only in the EF mount. Right, wrong or somewhere in-between, this discussion has no bearing for me, since I will never own another EF-S lens anyway. To that point, I won't ever own a 1.6 crop camera again either, for what it's worth.

    I have no further interest in this discussion, so have fun. Enjoy.


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  • Mercer
    Dec 18, 09:43 AM
    Hear Hear iBlue,

    harmless fun indeed :)

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  • rpenzinger
    Apr 5, 09:01 AM
    and in september iPad 3 will move to #1 spot putting iPad 2 in second and original iPad in 3rd. And in 2012 iPad 4 will move to first...but i digress.


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  • surf2snow1
    Mar 24, 04:12 PM
    Holding out until inevitable $0.99 sale...



    That'll be around when the iPad6's come out!

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  • 2002cbr600f4i
    Feb 18, 12:54 PM
    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?

    He had a liver transplant.... Alcohol is a no-no after that!


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  • PowerFullMac
    Oct 26, 10:36 AM
    Well, I'm not very good at guessing numbers but it goes all the way around the corner now. :) We had one rather arsey guy who tried to queue jump to the front of the queue but the security swiftly dealed with him at which point he screamed that we were all sad loser geeks. :rolleyes:

    You should have him you here happy winner geeks who were getting Leopard before him :D:D:D

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  • John Dillinger
    Dec 2, 01:50 PM
    Lol the majority of comments on this story... Jealous!!!

    This dude showed fantastic initiative!

    And i'd say his markup is more near 50% than 10-15%.

    A friend of mine actually does iPhone 4 repairs (on the blacks)- as Apple doesnt cover dropping and shattering your phone- and i believe the units, which are expensive as one cannot just replace the glass but also the LCD + digitizer on ip4, cost him around $100 and he fits them within up to half an hour for 200$.

    Depending on how you react to the price you may get a 'discount' of 20%.

    9/10 dont care just want their baby back lol:apple::D


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  • tigress666
    Feb 4, 11:36 AM
    I have only had 1 issue on OTA map pulling with Map Quest. I once took a different way then suggested and caused the unit to re-rout me automatically. However, at that moment I didn't have service (Thanks AT&T, I was in NYC...) so the app prompted saying "re-routing not available at this time" and then 1 minute later it re-rerouted me when I got service. Not bad. It does everything I want it to. The only thing I wish it had was traffic updates. I have no idea why anyone charges for this. We should get it free with our data packages...

    And this is the point why it is ridiculous to pay 40 dollars for an app that if you take the wrong turn or decide to do a small deviation that you're left with no directions if you happen to be out of service.

    Why would I pay 40 dollars for an app that won't be flexible when I'm out traveling when I could pay 40 dollars (or less really, last I checked Navigon was 35 for all of the US) for an application I can use anywhere and if I decide to deviate or some how go off track, it has no issue with that? And I can get an app that does the same thing as Garmin for *free* (mapquest). Any advantage Garmin has over Mapquest certainly isn't worth 40 dollars.

    Yeah, Garmin might be useful if you only use it in the city. But you know what, my main reason for wanting a GPS app was for driving outside of the city and going on road trips. Sure I use it more often within the city cause that is where I go more and I happen to have it so I use it. But the biggest reason I wanted it was going places I'm not as familiar with (I'm mostly familiar with the city, it's when I leave the area I am familiar with it, I need it the most. Which is going outside the city). In my area, there are plenty of areas (like Mount Rainier) where you just aren't going to get cellphone coverage, period. Not just a small lapse, just isn't there (and no, now that Verizon has the phone, you still aren't going to get coverage in the areas like Mount Rainier, there isn't cellphone coverage period. I'm just using that as one example btw).

    Garmin made a huge mistake in that choice of how to do things.

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  • derivativemusic
    May 2, 02:43 PM
    I don't care about the white iPhone, but I want to point out that digital calipers' displays have much finer resolution than a human's ability to position the calipers. That picture shows nothing, and I'm surprised Consumer Reports wouldn't know that; anyone who's used digital calipers does.

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  • puma1552
    Apr 22, 11:21 PM
    $7.36 per gallon.

    neko girl
    Feb 28, 11:06 PM
    Imagine if all smartphones had either a multi-user selector, or at the least a "child" mode that was easy to turn on.
    I agree, a kiosk mode could be helpful. There is an app that will do this for jailbroken phones but it is not practical for the average user.

    I also think that the ability to password protect photo albums should be included as a feature..

    Dec 27, 07:26 PM
    Read the chat. They say online cannot be done. You can still purchase one in store.

    So in other words: It isn't banned.

    No it's not banned. They are intentionally trying to make it more difficult for you to buy it. You have to do the footwork yourself to get it. It is unprecendented for a company to want to make their product more difficult to buy.

    Seems fraud is the reason from what that rep said in the chat. Maybe we have started to solve the mystery to this thread ( ;)

    This has already hit Gizmodo. At the time of The Consumerist post, they were already trying to reach AT&T Public Relations. The fraudulent claim is to divert attention away from the original reason.

    As for eBay iPhones, you can find any of these for any cell phone under contract on eBay. This, or fraudulent claims, wouldn't be a NYC specific problem.

    Oct 6, 12:08 PM
    That's what she said.


    May 1, 11:43 AM
    Somehow, I knew you would reply like you did. Again, I have a job in an actual data center as a systems administrator. Let me tell you, I know the real story. ;) And it's not just my company. Go take a look around and see how many shops use Windows to run their SAP environnements. Their peoplesoft stuff. Heck, just their lowly Oracle installations.

    And who said I was talking about Enterprise Macs ? My Unix boxes cost well over 100k$ a piece.

    It depends on where you work. I have worked for agencies within the US government that were almost 100% Windows. Granted, we weren't running anything like SAP or Peoplesoft, but the servers virtually all Windows based. We had a few Solaris boxes scattered about, but that was about it. I guess Microsoft had better lobbyists or something.

    My current employer (different agency) is much better. Oddly, one of the components I work with is heavily...AIX. I guess IBM isn't totally dead yet.

    Edit: Bah, forgot to do multiquote

    Anyway, regarding the earlier discussion on Android vs. iOS: I don't see how Android is that hard to use. I never even looked at my user manual. It's all touch based with pretty icons. How is that difficult?

    Chef Medeski
    Nov 21, 05:21 PM
    I haven't read the whole article yet, but from the sounds of it, it seems as though a laptop can be charged without plugging in it. That is the processor that converts heart to electricity could either charge the battery or provide it's own power to the laptop. That would extend battery life, not sure by how much, but if it is a decent amount, this technology would be great for laptops.

    Then again there's the heat issue. While the heat will provide electricity, your going to have to have a decent cooling system, which hopefully wouldn't suck to much power. Or maybe the converted power can be used only for the cooling system leaving the rest for the battery, thus conserving power anyways....just thinking aloud here though. :)

    lol.... decent amount... nah... about a couple minutes.

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