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  • nimbusthegreat
    May 6, 12:40 AM
    ever since switching to sh&t when i bought the original iphone, i've had problems. it seems to get worse with each passing day. in the last month i've spent over 10 hours on the phone with sh&t trying to get this fixed to no avail. i love my iphone but HATE:mad: the network it's on.

    saudi binladin group. For Saudi Binladin Group
  • For Saudi Binladin Group

  • Sirmausalot
    Apr 13, 05:49 AM
    A professional is someone who makes money from their work. So someone who gets paid for a project they make in iMovie is a professional. Perhaps you need to make a living at it though to be a true professional :-)

    As for Final Cut Pro X, jury is still definitely out. We all need to try it, make sure the features we still need are there and make sure the new features don't make our computers crash.

    No mention of delivery (DVD Studio Pro or Compressor functions) nor enough information about sound editing. So again, the jury is still far, far out.

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group logo.
  • saudi binladin group logo.

  • MacinDoc
    Apr 12, 10:57 PM
    Yeah, I don't know about one click CC either. Color me skeptical. Although a lot of color adjustments are just minor, so theoretically, it could do a decent job.

    Anyone doing complicated color work is going to need a dedicated app anyway. I don't think it's realistic to assume FCPX will ever be able to do this.

    I don't understand the outrage at this announcement UNLESS this means Color, Motion etc are going to be 'dumbed down' and integrated as extras into FCPX. That will upset a lot of people.
    Agreed, Color and Motion probably need to remain separate apps, although Apple may later market them as part of a suite. I don't think today's announcement has any bearing on the status of Color and Motion.

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group logo.
  • saudi binladin group logo.

  • Ericatomars
    Oct 7, 12:27 PM
    yeah that they were also sure that chicago would get the olympics! It didnt happen...

    Once android gets a grip on apple and its actually at the point where they could have that chance Apple will change the game! Thats just how it goes... There is a reason why so many people stand behind Apple's products....

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group logo.
  • saudi binladin group logo.

  • theelysium
    May 16, 05:52 PM
    I have a huge drop call and coverage issue at my new home in Rancho Cordova, CA. I live by Jackson HWY (16). I have been excessive with my reports through my AT&T iPhone app "Mark The Spot". After 6 months of reports for only about 10% of the issues (I have so many issue here 10% was a lot :eek: of reporting!) I've experience they sent me a message letting me know that my reports helped pinpoint a tower issues and it will be replaced in a few weeks!

    I know AT&T has issues, but I'd like to see if Verizon would actually do something like this! I am not happy with the network experience I've had here, but I am really happy to see that my voice was heard from a large company using innovative tools created by them on my iPhone.

    I can tell that the tower is currently being worked on, because my service is getting worse. It won't be long now that I'll finally be able to a constant signal and hopefully no more dropped calls.

    Before I received the message that they would replace the tower I ordered an AT&T micro cell. I think I'll install it anyway just to see how it will improve my coverage. This also brings up another point that they are giving us the ability to fix coverage issues with the Micro Cell they are offering. I know it's $150 (expensive), but at least they are offering an alternative for you.

    One thing I've noticed as a customer is any aspect of the New AT&T that was legacy Cingular seems in the most part to be fine. It's all the junk they merged in from the legacy AT&T Wireless. This goes for call centers, towers, policies, etc. If I call customer service and have an excellent experience I'll ask the rep, "Are you legacy Cingluar or AT&T?" Every time they say Cingular. Of course if I have the opposite and ask "Are you legacy Cingluar or AT&T?" They either don't know what the word legacy means (which I then have to explain) or they say of course AT&T! I wish Cingular stayed Cingular and let AT&T die off! Legacy AT&T is the cancer in the New AT&T which is just Cingular with AT&T's name.

    It's silly to think that the AT&T name is so valuable that they'd buy the crappy company just to use their stupid :eek: name. Who cares if AT&T is as recognizable as Coca Cola overseas?! Why not be so great at what you do that your name (Cingular), becomes as recognizable as Coca Cola! Cingular shouldn't have bought recognition... they should have tried to earn it! If they had tried to earn their recognition we wouldn't have Legacy AT&T's cancer in our cell phone company!:(

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group logo.
  • saudi binladin group logo.

  • Aduntu
    Apr 22, 10:29 PM
    Would it make a difference if a huge portion of what you've been exposed to, regarding religion/Christianity, was fundamentally incorrect? For example, there's no such place as hellfire; nobody is going to burn forever. Everybody isn't going to heaven; people will live right here on the earth. If you learned that a huge portion of those really crazy doctrines were simply wrong, would it cause you to view Christianity/religion differently?

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group. saudi
  • saudi binladin group. saudi

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 27, 08:16 AM
    That sounds like an ad hominem attack against Nicolosi. I agree with him and with his coworker who gave the lecture.

    On what basis? Solely because it confirms your prejudice? Being gay has nothing in the slightest to do with gender identity, nor does Joseph Nicolosi's work have any standing of substance in the medical and psychiatric community.

    What Joseph Nicolosi does is run a racket. He's little more than a grifter, a trait often found in religious circles.

    For over three decades the consensus of the mental health community has been that homosexuality is not an illness and therefore not in need of a cure. The APA’s concern about the position’ espoused by NARTH (The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) and so-called conversion therapy is that they are not supported by the science. There is simply no sufficiently scientifically sound evidence that sexual orientation can be changed. Our further concern is that the positions espoused by NARTH and Focus on the Family create an environment in which prejudice and discrimination can flourish.

    In short, he's a fraud.

    saudi binladin group. Saudi men watch a TV
  • Saudi men watch a TV

  • Aduntu
    Apr 15, 12:50 PM
    No, rape is rape.

    But even if I grant you this point, the Bible still instructs us to kill adulterers. Do you support that?

    A person being raped, is by definition, being forced. A person willfully having sex is not being forced. That scripture is expressing the importance of resiting when possible, while also preventing a willful participant from claiming that they were raped in order to avoid the consequences. What it is not doing is claiming that there are different kinds of rape. You are either raped, or you aren't.

    True Christians know that they are no longer subject to the laws associated with the Davidic covenant. Jesus Christ instituted a new covenant, which does not condone death for any person for any crime. So to directly answer your question, a true Cristian wouldn't support that. A true Christian doesn't hate a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered person. They would respect and love their neighbor regardless of their sexual preference. A Christian doesn't have to agree with their lifestyle choices, but they are in no way permitted to judge or hate someone for those choices.

    saudi binladin group. Saudi Binladin group offices,
  • Saudi Binladin group offices,

  • Oletros
    Apr 20, 05:26 PM
    It will be interesting 10 years from now to compare the number of viruses that will have occurred on android vs. iOS.

    Zero on both platforms? If they exists in 2.021

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  • mac1984user
    Apr 15, 10:20 AM
    I think you have slightly misread my post or replied to the wrong post.
    I did most certainly not say the media shouldn't project a positive message about being gay.


    Ha! It's so true. I meant to copy BOTH quotes in. MY BAD! Editing happening now!

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group. saudi
  • saudi binladin group. saudi

  • faroZ06
    May 2, 06:26 PM
    Switching off or turning down UAC in Windows also equally impacts the strength of MIC (Windows sandboxing mechanism) because it functions based on inherited permissions. Unix DAC in Mac OS X functions via inherited permissions but MAC (mandatory access controls -> OS X sandbox) does not. Windows does not have a sandbox like OS X.

    UAC, by default, does not use a unique identifier (password) so it is more susceptible to attacks the rely on spoofing prompts that appear to be unrelated to UAC to steal authentication. If a password is attached to authentication, these spoofed prompts fail to work.

    Having a password associated with permissions has other benefits as well.

    If "Open safe files after downloading" is turned on, it will both unarchive the zip file and launch the installer. Installers are marked as safe to launch because require authentication to complete installation.

    No harm can be done from just launching the installer. But, you are correct in that code is being executed in user space.

    Code run in user space is used to achieve privilege escalation via exploitation or social engineering (trick user to authenticate -> as in this malware). There is very little that can be done beyond prank style attacks with only user level access. System level access is required for usefully dangerous malware install, such as keyloggers that can log protected passwords. This is why there is little malware for Mac OS X. Achieving system level access to Windows via exploitation is much easier.

    Webkit2 will further reduce the possibility of even achieving user level access.

    The article suggested that the installer completed itself without authentication. I don't see how that is possible unless you are using the root account or something. It would give sudo access, but even still you'd get SOME dialog box :confused:

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group. saudi
  • saudi binladin group. saudi

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 12:09 PM
    And I can't think of a better way to get a whole bunch of children raped by 'chaste' Catholic priests.

    Right, lame jokes. Ok. Modern equivalent of female stand-up comics that used to joke about men leaving the toilet seat up.

    Real sophisticated.

    saudi binladin group. saudi bin laden group. of
  • saudi bin laden group. of

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 9, 06:36 AM
    Oh, and try to be more mature in your reply next time please. That was uncalled for and childish.

    actually the post was funny and to the point, your coming across as arrogant and ill informed.

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group logo.
  • saudi binladin group logo.

  • ender78
    Sep 26, 03:50 PM
    Intel has a prototype CPU with 80 [yes Eighty] cores that they claim will be in production systems in 5 years (eighty cores each at 3.16 GHz)

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  • saudi binladin group. saudi

  • bigwig
    Oct 26, 12:36 AM
    8. Pfft. I'm holding out for 64 cores.
    You could just get one of these (

    It supports up to 512 processors under one instance of Linux and as much as 128TB of globally shared memory.

    Just convince Apple to buy SGI.

    saudi binladin group. saudi binladin group. saudi
  • saudi binladin group. saudi

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 26, 12:28 AM
    Irrelevant. Don't throw bible verses at us, it's not helping your point, but i can understand that you're using it as a last ditch effort because you realize you have no point.

    Matthew can go F himself. Your religion has no place in our laws, we do not live in a christian nation. Get over it.
    I cited that verses for Catholics, not for the Catholic Church's critics.

    saudi binladin group. saudi bin laden group. of
  • saudi bin laden group. of

  • aristobrat
    Mar 18, 01:09 PM
    Who cares?
    I dont give a crap. My speeds are great even with all that.
    Oh, OK. You're one of those "hey, everything is great for *me*, so what the hell are YOU complaining about people". Cool.

    I work in a decent sized office building where 3G speed isn't consistently great. I also know of at least four people that bring their personal laptops and torrent via MyWi here during the day so that they don't get the DMCA notifications (and risk of getting their service canceled) from their home broadband provider (Cox Cable).

    If these people want to pony up and pay for the bandwidth that they're using here, that's fine. But I bet they wont. And I also bet that overall speed for the AT&T 3G coverage where I spend the majority of my waking hours increases if they don't.

    saudi binladin group. his Saudi Binladin Group
  • his Saudi Binladin Group

  • faroZ06
    Apr 20, 06:15 PM
    The average user is stupid when it comes to using Windows, installing random programs, clicking yes to popups in porn sites.

    Using your analogy, Apple tends to like to check the type of oil before it goes into the car, to avoid bad things from happening.

    Most people don't know what they're doing and they DO like having Apple hold their hands.

    I agree. The reason I won't jailbreak until my iPod Touch is old is because the programmers who make stuff on Cydia are @#$%ing morons sometimes. Plenty of horrible apps.

    And to think that the ENTIRE Droid market is unregulated? More and more viruses will appear. You can't get a virus on an iPhone unless Apple somehow lets it in. Even then it would have to be user-initiated since it is UNIX.

    saudi binladin group. saudi bin laden group.
  • saudi bin laden group.

  • grue
    Apr 12, 10:54 PM
    I'm the angriest Mac user / professional FCP user I know, and even I'm blown away. Are there things I'm curious to see how they work out? Sure. But overall� wow.

    Mar 14, 06:04 PM
    It would require a multi-tiered approach. We have abundant coal which I believe can be made to burn cleanly although I'm not necessarily advocating that. And none of these sources if they break down (except nuclear) threaten huge geographical areas with basically permanent radioactivity. In case of worst case accidents, it could be plowed under but we'd still have substantial problems. The thing about nuclear power if it was perfect it would be a great power source, but it is far from perfect and the most dangerous.

    I think technology has to advance first and we got no choice but to be patient.
    - Clean coal and coal capture tech needs to advance so we know what to do with the extracted carbon. Right now it just sits underground, like nuclear waste and we hope it doesn't leak.
    - Nuclear waste treatment tech needs to advance so the decay rate of waste can be accelerated, and the amount of waste reduced
    - Grid energy storage tech needs to advance so renewables can be integrated into base load and we can phase out fossil fuels and nuclear.
    - Smartgrid tech needs to get integrated. For everyone worried about electricity consumption, Smartgrid is an answer.

    And the things that are going on in Japan are a result of stupid engineering. The engineers did not design the plant to adequately protect the backup generator switchgear. If they did, there'd be no danger of a meltdown right now. And if what Goto said is correct, there's also an engineering ethics issue involved with the containment vessel not being designed to an appropriate standard. This is an example of why engineering is so damn important. Even with an earthquake or tsunami, this was totally preventable.

    The fact remains that most of America's energy problems are caused by conspicuous consumption.

    If you're talking about energy consumption, yeah, and that's primarily because of oil. If you're talking about electricity consumption, we're actually not that bad.

    And the solution is to shift reliance on oil to reliance on electricity. Which is why electric vehicles are gonna be big in the future.

    Mar 18, 10:00 AM
    This is beyond the mark...

    Wish he'd do something useful like cracking WMA.

    Oct 8, 05:04 PM
    We're on the same sheet of music, Java...

    I for one don't know a thing about using XP/2000 on a desktop, as I have no desire to learn it. I was a windows man from the days of 3.1 thru 98SE, and then I had to go back to Apple, having left them with my IBM PCXT in 1982. I like the IIe, but IBM seemed to be more serious about software at the time. I missed the whole Mac thing, and only joined in with my lastest rig.

    Oct 10, 04:10 AM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    These test that this guy puts up are crap! The Athlon is overclocked to be a 2100+, none of the systems have the most current OS. I personally have seen great variations in his tests over the years, and personally, I don't buy it. Why test for single processor functions? The Dual is a DUAL! All of the major Apps are dual aware, as is the OS!

    Try that with XP Home.
    Quoting your OLD post...

    Why would anyone run XP Home on a dual processor. They should be running Windows XP Pro.

    But to play the devil's advocate... let's see... Windows can use up to 32 processors (Windows .NET). Try that with Mac OS X! Oh wait, you can't. Of course, no 32-way Power Macs available.

    BTW, Steve Jobs has made it clear that since his time at NeXT that it's the software, damn it! If it weren't for his work at NeXT, we would not have the Cocoa library nor Mac OS X.

    Mar 18, 11:22 AM
    you people who think being charged for tethering is justified, exemplify what is wrong with this country. You would bend over and take anything up the rear end, just b/c it was written in a contract.

    contracts are crap .. they mean nothing. Many of them don't hold up in a court, despite what they say. They are intentionally written in a manner to screw the consumer. They do this for as long as they can, until a court or a law tells them otherwise.

    you deserve all the ******** these corporations are feeding you.

    losers ....

    I'm going to plug in my phone, and let netflix run for the next 4 hours, as a nice big FU to AT&T, and all you uncle tom's.

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