mississippi river flood of 1993

mississippi river flood of 1993. The Mississippi River Flood Of
  • The Mississippi River Flood Of

  • engineer
    07-23 10:28 AM
    can one ask NSC and see if they have cashed check > they should be able to tell us by our last , frist name, social security etc ?

    Where is the link of USCIS memo which talks about following

    "There was a memo from USCIS for in-time receipt compliance for I-485 ( along with other forms) for 8/1 supposedly for June filers."

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River at St.
  • Mississippi River at St.

  • desi3933
    03-24 08:51 AM
    I've been in US for over a year on my L1b Visa. Last year i applied for my H1B visa and got through in the loottery. My Visa became effective Oct08. I still have net left my L1 company and nor have got my H1B Visa stamped. Its been 6 months since the VISA is effective. What should I do now, Im not getting jobs outside and also the L1 company is more secure from the job perspective. Should I just revoke my H1B or is it ok to live in the US like this?


    Leave US asap and re-enter using L1 visa stamp to get back into L1 status.

    Not a legal advice.

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River Flood of
  • Mississippi River Flood of

  • pappu
    09-18 05:23 PM
    If any IV member works in the university, could you find out if there are any Indian and chineese assistant professors that have joined in the recent past. Such people might have applied in EB2 through university and will be retrogressed.

    Also pls get in touch with post-docs in your universities and inform them about IV. Hopefully some of them might be willing to help us with the interview.

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River Valley
  • Mississippi River Valley

  • Ann Ruben
    07-22 09:55 PM
    I have also had success using just the online printout, but to be safe, you should make a Freedom of Information Act request for a copy of the I-140 approval notice. This is relatively easy to do-just follow the instructions on the USCiS website USCIS - Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIA) (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextchannel=34139c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a 1RCRD&vgnextoid=34139c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD ).

    I do not think that the denial of a petition for extension of H-1B status, in and of itself, would effect your pending I-485.


    mississippi river flood of 1993. Flood (1993?)
  • Flood (1993?)

  • gc_check
    09-09 11:09 AM
    Check with an attorney or the immigration coordinators in the school. F1 is not a dual intent visa, and once if you get F1, there might be some difficulties in getting back to AOS. Since you are in AOS, you should still be able to study in the school. Apply for an EAD and you if get assistance (TA/RA) you should be able to accept as you have a valid EAD. Other members in the forum, should be able to assist as well. Not sure, if there is any other reason to get on to F1 status, though you are in AOS.

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi river flood of
  • Mississippi river flood of

  • dontcareaboutGC
    03-25 01:53 PM
    If you have all the PERM case numbers with you then you should be able to find your PD in this link

    http://www.flcdatacenter.com/CasePerm.aspx and


    mississippi river flood of 1993. On the Missouri River,
  • On the Missouri River,

  • sgX05
    02-17 08:30 AM
    Another update on 485 today after it was transferred to TSC...

    "The I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office."

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River Flood 1993
  • Mississippi River Flood 1993

  • little_willy
    09-15 11:49 PM
    �Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.�


    mississippi river flood of 1993. 15, 1993 in Valmeyer,
  • 15, 1993 in Valmeyer,

  • vallabhu
    07-30 05:30 PM
    this spring�s defunct immigration bill partially replaced with a skills-based system.

    This statement is confusing between SKILL BILL and Point based system bill.

    I cannot make which one he has in mind for us, can you guys comment.

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Great Mississippi River flood
  • Great Mississippi River flood

  • clockwork
    09-06 09:42 AM
    3. Internal memo in USCIS not made public about holding visas for EB3 India etc.

    Can you explain what do you mean by holding visa for EB3 India?
    Thanks -


    mississippi river flood of 1993. Great Mississippi River flood
  • Great Mississippi River flood

  • wandmaker
    12-05 11:16 PM
    I was recently speaking with a member and he told me that people even congratulate each other when they have LUDs. :D

    My response is here http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showpost.php?p=201725&postcount=171

    mississippi river flood of 1993. After the 1993 Mississippi
  • After the 1993 Mississippi

  • reachag
    06-22 06:50 PM
    This has been the practise for quite some time.


    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River. Flood
  • Mississippi River. Flood

  • h1techSlave
    02-07 10:55 AM
    The article says they spend some thing like $20, 000 for their journey. How can a person who can not afford 2 square meals a day, come up with $20, 000?

    Something is fishy.

    Why blame illegal Indians? They are desperate for survival and come to USA to earn 2 square meals a day.

    What about the Legal Indians? The so called best and the brightest.
    Even legal Indians commit acts that bring shame. Just go to any anti-immigrant website and you will see tons of news article links. This is why antis call Indians slumdogs

    mississippi river flood of 1993. of the Great Flood of 1993
  • of the Great Flood of 1993

  • wandmaker
    12-30 12:17 PM
    Here is an idea: say we have roughly 500 members out of this vast array of 35000+ members who have the heart and the will to contribute. we get $2000 from each and place it in an escrow trust account that does not release money for expenditure unless we reach $1 mln

    We need to identify number of people who can really make a big chunk of one time contribution (like $500,$1000,$2000), and we should aim at scoring atleast 2000 committed members, so that per person share would be $500. Once we have the pledge from committed members; IV shall announce the fund raising day (instead of fund raising thread) in advance, all committed members will contribute the same day (optimistic).


    mississippi river flood of 1993. The Mississippi River Flood Of
  • The Mississippi River Flood Of

  • obviously
    05-08 11:08 PM
    Your post deserves to be deleted. You seem to lose sight of the real issue and instead resort to preaching from the relative anonymity of your digital pulpit. There are families that are worse off for having ITIN and unable to get an economic stimulus check that is intended to help kick start the economy NOW. Preaching that they can submit an ammended return sometime in the future is a moot point. Catch the irony? Economic stimulus is to help the economy now. Now. Now. Let's try that 3 more times.

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River system.
  • Mississippi River system.

  • wildvoice
    02-06 06:33 PM
    Hi Amulchandra,

    I am on the same boat with you. I am on H4 and is continuously exploring all possibilities that would enable me to work. I wonder how volunteering for work in one's field would be illegal. You will not be paid hence there will not be papertrails, taxes or any documents that can be traced to you working (illegally?). Besides, how will they know it, if there's no additional income in your bank accounts coming from your wages or salary? Isn't it? If the illegals could work in the shadows w/o getting penalized, hell, they even would have a chance to get a blue card in the future enabling their spouses to work. There's a very little chance that the USCIS or ICE would penalize you. Don't know even if they would bother give time to it.

    Even if they would bother, you are highly educated, could hire a lawyer and easily explain it to court. Your current immigration lawyer is just too paranoid and is unreasonable.

    Go for it man!


    mississippi river flood of 1993. bottom: the flood of 1993.
  • bottom: the flood of 1993.

  • mtsaha
    08-09 11:12 AM

    I am concurrently filing I-485 with I-140 (already e-filed).
    The instructions say that I need to write "alien receipt number"
    behind my 2 photos that need to be submitted with i-485.
    What is this "alien receipt number"?

    Thanks for any help!

    mississippi river flood of 1993. MISSISSIPPI FLOODING 1993.

  • theshiningsun
    09-28 11:19 AM
    Yes. You can file another FOIA to get the I-140 approval notice.

    You want to specify that you're looking for a copy of I-797 of the I-140 approval for receipt number LINXXXXXXXXXX. That should get you the approval notice.

    A friend filed the FOIA with this verbiage and it worked for him. Of-course, he had to reference his Alien number etc... in the G-639 form.

    I hope this helps.

    it did not work for me.

    i filed an foia request and got I-140 petition with approval on it but not approval notice. so i filed 2nd foia request asking specifically for I-797 of I-140. but i got a letter saying that the file does not hv an approval notice, so they sent me the I-140 petition once again.

    mississippi river flood of 1993. Mississippi River Thursday
  • Mississippi River Thursday

  • Sri_
    11-09 06:48 PM
    My check was cashed on 08/31. Based on the receipt numbers on the back of the check, online status shows that receipts were mailed on 08/31, but I haven't received till date. On 10/01, I called customer service and made them create service request. No progress so far. I am planning to call sometime next week and find the status of the service request.

    Is anyone in the similar situation of not receiving the receipts even after check has cashed way back.


    07-29 07:36 AM
    I doubt that. Returning after a long period on AP would sure make the POE officer grill that person, as AP is supposed to be used in case of emergencies and humanitarin grounds. I was grilled at IAD on return after 30 days and the POE officer asked me to present documentary evidence of the emergency to travel outside US.

    The officer you met did not know the difference between AP applied on humanitarian grounds and AP applied based on pending I-485.

    My wife entered NEWARK after 6 months in India ( using I-485 based AP) and no questions were asked although the waiting time inside the secondary inspection room was really long.

    04-17 07:54 AM
    This is Off-Topic, sorry about that, but this is the best forum i could think of to ask this:

    My father-in-law is visiting us from India, and he is thinking of driving a car here. He drives in India and I think in a couple of weeks (with maybe 2-3 classes with some instructor) he should get the hang of driving. Are there any risks that anyone knows of with this? (if he makes a mistake and ends up in an accident I understand that we end up being personally liable and can even be sued if there is an injured party).

    Edit: This is in California

    In general a person with a valid visa can drive in the U.S. provided the person is in possession of a valid drivers license. However, if he is not on your insurance policy added as a driver and causes an accident, your insurance company is not liable and can refuse to pay the costs. If he is to drive your car, ask your insurance agent about this.

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