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  • Full of Win
    Nov 6, 06:55 AM
    You already use cards, which are trackable, stop whining, give us the option for ultra convenience, They'll still let you pay in cash if you choose!

    You have the option to allow another to see/use your card, whereas RFID are wireless and do not give you the same protection.

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  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 14, 05:01 PM
    Fair enough...

    So how would me exercising my right to refuse to sell X to Y infringe upon Y's "rights"?

    Did I take something from them? Did I commit violence upon them? ....!

    Society has decided that racism is something that's not neutral in its effect. It does harm to the individual victims and ultimately all of the community as well. So, society doesn't let you operate a business in a way that's going to damage the community (LOL, in theory anyway)

    Are you infringing upon Y's rights? Sure. At the very least you've tried to take away Y's basic rights as a citizen to get on with life.

    Did you commit violence? I'm not sure that's exactly the right word but racism is harassment and physical intimidation.

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  • Mechcozmo
    Nov 2, 12:08 AM
    The current guideline is to post links to external sources, and then slowly merge that data into the MacGuides. A good example right now is the PowerMacG4 page, which has some links to user-created pages and some links to external pages.

    (Assuming someone didn't change that :rolleyes: )

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 16, 09:53 PM
    I do now, for some reason it takes me a while to understand when I look at it.

    i think those stats are pretty good. nothing is perfect, but they seem to work for me.

    Ha ha, yes we could use some more folders.

    yeah the more the better right now. and i finally got my other system up!


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  • Cowinacape
    Oct 10, 01:22 PM
    Ah shut up you bastards...

    Would have to pretty much agree with you. Big boxes getting nervous?? To bad! :p

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  • chisnic
    Apr 13, 08:11 AM
    Follow instructions here:

    Thanks for the link, very helpful!


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  • 28monkeys
    Mar 25, 10:16 AM
    just don't affect consumers

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  • Geckotek
    Apr 13, 12:00 PM
    But most have nothing set up. I'm not exactly sure what that does, I think adds an extra step in querying the ISP. That always slows me down.

    And, of course, the other half can be an issue, too. People never talk about that except when they want to download a brand new firmware or something. I see "waiting for" plenty.

    If you have nothing setup it will use DHCP to get your DNS from whatever device is providing you your IP address. For most people this would be a DSL or cable modem which is passing the DNS servers from their ISP.

    So not setting it up is not an issue, unless your ISPs DNS servers suck.

    But how do you know if it sucks? How do you know if Google's DNS servers are actually an improvment for you? You can't know until you test. There are several DNS test utilities you can download that will measure this for you and tell you. I highly suggest people not assume that using Google's DNS servers is always best. For some people it will actually perform worse. Test to know for sure.


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  • yg17
    Apr 25, 11:54 AM
    Rich bastard who deserves to be shot 300 times in the heart.. Yes, I hate rich people... I am glad many died in WWII and other wars.. at least they can't take their money which is worthless anyway to heaven.

    Given your posting history in PRSI, I'm guessing you're glad that it was so many Jews who died in WWII? After all, they supposedly have all the money. :rolleyes:

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  • mikes63737
    Jun 19, 09:16 AM
    Something I'd like to see is a rackmount SDXC RAID array. Think how many sd slots would fit in a 1U array. I know, probably won't happen, but still interesting to see.

    Can you imagine taking all of those SD cards out of their blister packaging (


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  • Knowimagination
    Mar 11, 09:10 AM
    At University now, I believe I'm number 5 or 6.

    Thanks for the update I think I am going to head up there around 12:00-1:00

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  • Laird Knox
    Mar 14, 04:22 PM
    I like the idea you have going here. I would like the saturation more realistic, but that's just me. Different framing and cropping come to mind. Maybe play off the differences in the textures and color, putting them closer and cropping or framing in tight. I may play with this idea when I can. I have nice oranges, but I need an apple. And the nice lighting setup you have.

    Please excuse the PhotoShop hack of your image...:)


    In the original photo I felt the black/white line was a little too high. In your crop I like the placement a little better. I can definitely see a framed print with the tight crop -- possible a gallery wrap.

    Also wondering what it would look like with the orange slightly in front of and overlapping the orange a little, then the view closed in a bit more on them. Just thoughts!

    Now that would be something to see - the orange in front of itself. Some sort of 4th-dimensional super orange? ;)


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  • Hallivand
    Apr 19, 09:39 PM
    ... to appease old school folks like yourself. It's off by default. OSX has always been about not having to think about managing the OS and focusing on being productive, creative and enjoying the purpose of the computer. Letting the OS manage system resources is the next logical step.

    Apps don't need to be running if they're not being used. If the OS saves all work and opening an app is nearly instantaneous, then there is no difference between a running app or a closed app running some services in the background.

    Nonetheless, the ability to turn the lights back on is a temporary transitional ability. It will no doubt be gone in the OS after Lion and only few people clinging to the past will look to turn them on.

    Sometimes I like to know whats running and what isn't, at a glance. It's not just "old school folk", I'm relatively new to the Mac scene and its great to see with that light showing me whats running, whether MSN is recieving anything, etc.

    I understand Apple's motivation for removing it, but until Lion matures I'm not 100% confident in the OS ensuring that I don't encounter lag when I don't want it to. It's perfect the way it is at the moment. :)

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  • MacQuest
    Oct 7, 05:59 AM do these people still have jobs?

    NOBODY has jobs.
    Yet Jobs has EVERYBODY.

    Mwaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... :D

    Ok, that's enough. Going back to sleep now. :p



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  • seb-opp
    May 2, 01:52 PM
    that is NOT, and I repeat NOT a white iPhone, that is a fake white Phone. NOW, Do you get it? :cool:

    Agreed, there were aftermarket front and back plates for sale since last year so you could convert your black iP4 to a white one, the picture must be of one of those modified white iPhones.

    Otterbox, a maker of iPhone 4 cases, also confirms,default,pd.html?dwvar_APL7-I4XXX_color=20&start=2&cgid=apple-iphone-4-cases:

    No evidence that they have the white iPhones, they could be basing it on the possibly faked image

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  • twoodcc
    Mar 8, 09:36 PM
    thanks for the screenshots! i'm glad that lion server is included in lion. more people will use it, since it comes with lion.


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  • bella92108
    Apr 1, 01:07 PM
    Ala Carte Channels would cause some channels to go away, on the other hand it would allow other channels to thrive and flourish, because the channels people really wanted to watch would get the most revenue.

    I don't want to overpay for the 10 channels I want so 20 other channels I don't care about can continue to exist. Let the marketplace sort it out. It certainly would not actually make channels appeal to a wider demographic, it would probably be the opposite really, as small strong niches carry the day and carry their channels and the programming.

    Very intelligent post. +1

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  • rusty2192
    Mar 11, 05:01 PM
    OK, my own submission for this challenge. With the utmost apologies to JD, I had to stick with the apples & oranges theme which is what had immediately occurred to me when we set this topic. I've tried to expand on the conceptual interpretation of apples & oranges with some more technical interpretations - a split b & w background, and an over-saturated and high contrast post treatment.

    Canon EOS 40D
    EF 24-70 f/2.8L @ 32mm
    ISO 100 f/11 @ 1/250th manual exposure
    Two 150watt strobes plus an on-camera 430EX bounced off of an overhanging reflection card
    Post in Aperture 3

    I love the colors and the amazing detail in the textures, but the composition isn't all that exciting for me. Maybe with it a bit tighter, and the fruits offset a bit would bring in a little more excitement? The black vs white background is a nice touch.

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  • gngan
    Mar 28, 09:03 AM
    When does Apple usually release OSX after the WWDC? I am looking to get a MBP when Back to School Promotion is on (ie July-Aug).

    Jan 17, 11:58 PM
    Still no push, it can't be that hard can it? The small devs get push working on their apps no problem..

    Mar 24, 09:04 PM
    great deal cause ipad 2 is only about 5% faster in real life.. nnot worth the mony

    Yeah, it has twice the amount of RAM but it's not like I intend on using it for much more than streaming and light word processing.

    Apr 12, 04:09 PM
    Right now in NYC you can walk in the Apple store anytime and get the Verizon iPad. ATT models are extremely hard to find.

    So how is it that Verizon is preferred???... (I know why but I'll let you guess...:))

    Oct 26, 05:26 PM


    Apr 5, 06:09 PM
    that's exactly what i was wondering about! i don't know if EU regulations apply to the ipad, but they certainly do apply to the iphone. and i think, apple has to include a miniUSB port (standardized charger) to the iphone 5 if they want to sell it here in europe. a simply dock connector just won't do.

    Why the hell do you have to have a miniUSB for a phone in the EU?
    what is wrong with just using a apple dock connector?? Apple is NEVER going to put a miniUSB port but they may make an adaptor for the idiots who want one (for what I ask)

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