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  • (eciv)
    Apr 5, 08:15 PM (

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 14, 01:49 AM
    It's not really outdated in the sense that it is still the best and latest iPhone out there. But I know what you are getting at.

    Well I think I would be an unwise consumer to pay full upgrade price for old tech. If there is no iPhone in June, I might give Apple a little time to tell all of us whose contracts are up what their plan is, but I doubt I'm going to be willing to hold onto an old phone long enough to see what Apple has in store. At that point I'll give serious consideration to another platform, but I'll resist it as much as possible because I do enjoy Apple hardware. I will not, however, tolerate horrible update cycles and pay full price for them. If that's going to be Apple's game, I won't be playing.

    preakness 2011 logo. 2011 Preakness 2011 Preakness
  • 2011 Preakness 2011 Preakness

  • crees!
    Jul 25, 12:58 PM
    After Jobs walks out, but before he starts the Keynote. Someone should ask Steve to empty his pockets. First the mini, then the nano, this time should be the Video iPod. I am hoping for a couple more things this Keynote.
    Excellent.. excellent idea!

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  • Preakness+stakes+2011+logo

  • mccldwll
    Apr 29, 06:41 AM
    Ok, that works if you are thinking of getting a cellphone vs. not getting a cellphone.

    But when you are thinking of getting what type of cellphone, no, it doesn't count. Cause by deciding you are getting a cellphone but trying to decide which type, you already committed to buying the plan,what type of cellphone does not affect the cost of the plan, you are going to pay it regardless. So the cost of the plan really doesn't count for the cost of the cellphone when you are comparing cellphones together.
    The point is when we are comparing different cellphones to each other, the service doesn't matter cause if you are getting the cellphone, you are going to pay the service regardless and which cellphone you get isn't going to affect the service's price. Therefore it is irrelevant when talking cost of one cellphone vs. another to bring in the cost o the contract.

    Carriers love consumers who think like you do. It's how they are able to lock people into contracts and get rid of crappy phones--make them believe that getting a POS andrrhoid for free is such a wonderful deal compared to paying $200 for an iPhone 4 (forget the fact that that they'll be stuck with a piece of junk for a long time, suffering with poor support and function, and stuck with something completely worthless at the end, all because advertisers dangle bright, shiny objects in front of their eyes and let them believe they're saving so much in the beginning).


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  • preakness 2011

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 24, 11:49 PM
    So, in conclusion - get the S530 instead!,CRID=2162,CONTENTID=11420

    I got one of those a few weeks ago and it rocks, Apple keyboard and mouses just don't compete.

    preakness 2011 logo. preakness 2011
  • preakness 2011

  • Stella
    Jul 28, 09:23 AM
    It seems that nobody ever likes anything successful.. Look at poor mcdonalds,coca cola,Ford and now apple and its ipod.... All the biggest comapanies always get in trouble. BMW and their idrive, ford and the firestone blowouts, apple and hearing loss... while dont people stop being jealous and peee off.

    Ford and GM problems are their own fault - they don't produce fuel efficient cards - in north america - other ( non u.s ) manufacturers do - and they are reaping the benefits - whilst oil prices are high.

    Once again the drones at Microsoft can't come up with anything new so they spend all their money trying to muscle in on something someone else had the vision to create. I hope they fail big time.

    By the time M$ get any sort of marketshare Apple will be onto something new and innovative that that Big Bill will have to throw even more $$$ down the drain to catch up.

    Jobs must be laughing his A*** off, he's forced M$ to create something that's going to lose them money, whilst Apple turns a tidy profit on each iPod sold!

    What, your saying that Apple should have the MP3 market to itself, no one else can try and muscle in - its called competition, and competition is heathly. Apple entered the MP3 market when people thought it was already saturated... this is a case of double standards, in afraid. :-\


    preakness 2011 logo. May 18, 2011 · Preakness
  • May 18, 2011 · Preakness

  • msb3079
    Apr 28, 04:25 PM
    It's definitely not perspective. You can see the metal piece is raised higher because the white sections are thicker than the black sections. A 2 year old could figure this out.

    preakness 2011 logo. Preakness+stakes+2011+logo
  • Preakness+stakes+2011+logo

  • SensaiMinstixs
    Jun 6, 06:41 AM
    I don't really think the kid is rolling with a credit card of his own at 11 years of age. So maybe the mother should think about setting up a iTunes account for her son with a apple gift card or pre-pay visa. That way he can't run wild like Hulkamania with her credit card.... I wish my parents would of let me have free access to there visa as a kid :rolleyes:


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  • Preakness+stakes+2011+logo

  • mdelvecchio
    Apr 26, 04:55 PM
    You could always do this. I have my own domain name and host on MobileMe.

    Though I haven't figured out how to use an email address using my domain name and have mail hosted via MobileMe. I wish they would add that feature.

    as do i. right now you cannot use a custom domain name on mobileme email. thats why i use Google Apps, which offers this MX record functionality for free.

    preakness 2011 logo. Preakness 2011 Entries Info
  • Preakness 2011 Entries Info

  • LordTyroxx
    Apr 22, 05:12 PM
    You went up in arms about the itunes logo, but when a mockup is truly horrible, you praise it? This is about the worst mockup i've ever seen.

    Apple, please never ever put that awful backing on the iphone. ever.

    You hip generation might like holes in your jeans and scratches on your phone, but I just think it's stupid. :p


    preakness 2011 logo. May 20, 2011 · If you are
  • May 20, 2011 · If you are

  • dropadrop
    Nov 6, 12:44 AM
    I've reinstalled OS X twice in the last 9 months. The latest being about 3 weeks ago when I upgraded to a 160GB hard drive. There is nothing wrong with my computer. (OK there is something wrong with its sleeping mech but that has nothing to do with performance.)
    Parallels just sucks. Also I�m willing to bet the more you use the disk image and Windows the more parallels slows down. I�ve got a 14GB disk image, a ton of apps loaded, along with being in it every day for 8+ hours, USB peripherals all over the place, network settings for home and work, firewall enabled along with antivirus software. (I can�t use Office 2003 with SAP in OS X.) I probably use it more extensively then most Mac users. The simple fact is the reason why I keep reinstalling the demo instead of outright buying it is because I�m waiting on VMWare�s solution. VMWare is THE industry�s Microsoft when it comes to virtualizing. Just without the whole evilness thing. I�ve used Parallels extensively. I�m not impressed.

    Could it be that you re using Filevault to encrypt your hardisk? Parallels really messes up my Macbook Pro if I try to use it in conjunction with filevault. I've gone around the problem by moving my virtual machines to a non-encrypted folder.

    I don't get close to the performance those guys are talking about with my notebook. Resuming and suspending seem to take about 30 seconds, but I guess my hardisk is slow.

    preakness 2011 logo. Sport News – Preakness 2011
  • Sport News – Preakness 2011

  • infidel69
    Apr 13, 11:52 PM
    It's beautiful


    preakness 2011 logo. The 2011 Preakness Post Time
  • The 2011 Preakness Post Time

  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Mar 16, 09:40 AM
    So my friend just told me about what happened with being locked out and there already being 20 people in line... what the ****? You guys better say something

    Ya dude. When I walked in and saw all those people I was so depressed! All of us who walked all just sighed.

    preakness 2011 logo. Kentucky+derby+logo+2011
  • Kentucky+derby+logo+2011

  • 840quadra
    Dec 1, 04:44 PM
    lol system 7? Why?? No one runs Windows 95 for fun...


    It is not Windows 95, and that is for me to worry about.


    preakness 2011 logo. 2011+kentucky+derby+logo
  • 2011+kentucky+derby+logo

  • Beaverman3001
    Apr 17, 06:58 PM
    According to CNET, the new Air will be released around June with a Sandy Bridge ULV Core i5 2537M chip 1.4 GHz that can turbo to 2.3 GHz.

    So for .17 GHz upgrade we are sacrificing around 30% graphic power?

    The CPU would be considerably faster, but the graphics ughh lol. The only way I can see myself grabbing a new one this year is if it comes with some type of integrated 3G plan similar to the iPad, then I'd consider downgrading the GPU.

    preakness 2011 logo. Lower Prices On 2011 Preakness
  • Lower Prices On 2011 Preakness

  • coolfactor
    Dec 1, 07:02 PM
    I don't know but is the Adware related to this:

    Sometimes when I download videos from LimeWire, and run then it will bring up a browser window and open a site. Essentially an ad. Do this supposed hole cause this?

    Apple definitely needs to get more serious about security. As more people start to buy Macs, more people will start to tinker and find holes. I hope Apple will rise to the challenge.

    I bet you're downloading .mov files. QuickTime .mov files have interactivity features that are being exploited by pornography websites to redirect you to their site.

    I would strongly advise against dropping your Limewire habits and moving towards more legitimate sources for your content.


    preakness 2011 logo. IMDEX Asia 2011
  • IMDEX Asia 2011

  • ucfgrad93
    Feb 25, 09:47 AM
    And the train wreck continues....

    preakness 2011 logo. preakness 2011 contenders
  • preakness 2011 contenders

  • BornAgainMac
    Mar 31, 01:21 PM
    Microsoft Bob. No wait.... Apple Steve.

    preakness 2011 logo. offers the most comprehensive guide on Preakness Stakes 2011 including
  • offers the most comprehensive guide on Preakness Stakes 2011 including

  • SuperCachetes
    Dec 31, 10:48 PM
    ...God, not religion...

    I'll be honest: I don't know what the heck that even means.

    ...I read every post and I understood them all...

    No. You didn't. I am not judging her, and there are many here who aren't. I merely want all people to be accountable for their impact on society. For example, you are probably more healthy than I am. That's awesome. I truly hope you have the ability to pay lower insurance premiums than me. Why would I begrudge you that - I outweigh you by 50 lbs, and smoked for 25 years. But I'll tell you one thing - I run 15 miles a week now, trying to reclaim every last smidgen of lung capacity I can find. And, I've dropped 15 pounds in the last 6 weeks. And all just because I know I should. Think of how great it would be if there was financial incentive, to boot! argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    Please stop assuming there is a "line." It can be a sliding scale. "Healthiness" can be measured with a variety of metrics (BMI, blood pressure, blood chemistry, etc) and there is no reason that numbers compared to numbers have to be judgmental. It doesn't have to be "healthy" vs. "unhealthy." That said, countless government agencies and private groups have decided what qualifies as "obese." The info is out there. People blow it off because there are no repercussions, no liability one way or the other.

    I would argue that accepting a lifestyle that has a much higher likelihood of illness or death doesn't necessarily mean mental illness. What about adventure seekers? Is climbing Everest a sign of mental illness? The likelihood of dying is high, and honestly, some would say that you have to be crazy to do it, but people still praise the behavior, and don't label the person with a mental illness.


    Guys, it really is possible that she just LOVES food. I've met people like that. They are great chefs and are very over weight because they love food. Not because they have some kind of mental deficiency.

    I really LOVE alcohol. I have been known to drink three bottles of wine, a half-bottle of whiskey, or a twelve-pack of beer in an evening. I don't do it to get drunk, I just really like the stuff. Are you cool with chipping in for my liver transplant? :cool:

    Oct 24, 08:59 AM
    Cheers - I suspected as much.

    Looking forward to replacing it next year tho' - by then under �1500 is going to go along way - plus my wife qualifies for a discount because she works for the NHS.

    Are you joking! You can get a discount for working at NHS?! Maybe I should consider a job in medicine!

    Sep 13, 12:48 PM

    That's good stuff..... I'll have to pick some up this week.:cool:

    My weekend beer purchase was some Blue Moon.

    I got the 16gb "iWatch" two days ago. Another two weeks or I will be back at the store to get the new Apple TV.

    Okay, we get it- you got the nano and turned it into a watch.

    Nov 3, 08:36 PM
    Dont count Parallels out. They will eventually have multicore support in their app, and i am sure will keep getting better over time.
    The single core support currently is a design decision. Per a note by Andrew (of Parallels) (, "One core is used by Mac OS X and the other core is used by Windows XP - it brings excellent resource management and optimal performance for both systems running simultaneously."

    Thus it can be presumed they may end up allowing multicore as an option in future releases.

    The good thing about having two companies in this space is the competition will result in two better Mac products. I've just finished installing XP Pro on Fusion but the beta test agreement has a note about confidentiality regarding the discussion of benchmarks/performance data of the beta. Upon starting a VM, a sheet drops down noting there is debug code and logging which affects its performance. Thus, comparing it's current performance against Parallels isn't fair game at this time. Outside of that, the user interface is a bit more spartan (not much configuration options including the ability to tweak an already created VM) than Parallels. The VM setup while not much different than Parallels Desktop feels more streamlined. Fusion also drops down sheets with plenty of information to help make the setup process idiotproof (all of those dialogues can be turned off by checking the provided box).

    Apr 24, 06:11 PM
    People get beat up for no reason all the time. It doesn't have to do anything with bullying or the victim being a transgender. From what the victim said, the attackers used a standard "excuse" to start a fight. ("Why are you talking to my man?", if I understood correctly.)They said "Why are you talking to my man?" to a transgendered woman in a women's "restroom"? :confused:
    Does not compute.

    Apr 28, 04:16 PM
    It's not, actually. Every time a change in the phone comes out, the manufacturer has to make new cases to reach those new customers, necessitating new tools/molds/whatever (so more cost on their end). Any manufacturer would prefer that the same case worked for all iPhone4s because then they would only have to spend the manufacturing dollars once to reach a every iPhone4 customer. Plus, less confusion when people are buying cases.

    So what you are telling me is: An iPhone 4 comes out and I buy a case. Incase makes $20. An iPhone 5 comes out the same size and I don't buy a case because I have an old one and Incase makes $0. How is that better for Incase exactly?

    Manufacturing processes are the same for phone cases , candy bars, or screen prints on T-Shirts. The expense comes from the design and fabrication of the molds, not the manufacturing process. These original molds are already made so they can continue to make the old case at next to nothing. Once the new mold is made (the expensive part) it 's the same song.

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