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  • cinder1280
    Nov 23, 10:05 AM

    I have to order a new workstation in the beginning of dec.
    I want the Powermac in a top config with the 30" Display.
    Now I wonder to wait the release of the 8core system for two reasons:

    If the price will be equal to the actuall one of the quad 3Ghz: Fine, I ll buy the mac pro with clovertown

    If the clovertown system will be much more expensive than the actuall 3 ghz, maybe the 3 ghz will get a little bit cheaper. So i will buy the 3 Ghz system.

    Should I wait to Jan or Feb ? ( The release in November just a rumor :( )
    I dont know what to do. It will be my workstation for the next 4 or 5 ähm thousand years ;)

    Sorry for my bad English, I m working on it ;)

    Greets CindeR

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  • robbieduncan
    Apr 20, 02:49 PM
    Can you even buy a car today (in the USA) that has the following:

    manual transmission
    manual steering
    manual brakes
    wind em up yourself windows

    Sure, I understand it has to have the emission controls on it but if I could get a car without all the electronic stuff on it that tries to disconnect me from the feel of the road.

    I doubt it. The older, Rover K-Series, powered Lotus Elise was about the last cr in the UK like that. But that model was not approved for sale in the US. The Toyata engined ones have servo-assisted brakes and electric windows :(

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  • FearNo1
    Apr 23, 01:35 AM
    Interesting...location based ads like in minority report ;) Hmm but wouldn't that eat up your data, all of the querying going back and forth. That is one of the reasons why I don't have a smartphone

    my guess is ... it is some future AdSpam thing Apple wants to implement such as how FaceBook and Google use to make money.

    They goofed by not encrypting it and will likely change that

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  • rockthecasbah
    Sep 1, 02:00 PM
    23 inches? No thanks. A bit too much space for me... but kudos to those that can use it, and if Apple can make it work more power to them.

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  • Built
    Apr 2, 07:59 PM
    Oh dear. How is Stevie going to sleep at night knowing that one potential customer is still on the fence...:rolleyes:

    Frankly, they don't give two animal-faecal-secretions about whether you buy it or not.

    While you may think your sarcasm-laden post witty, the fact remains that you have not stated any kind of revelation.

    They do not care about ONE consumer...but they certainly are going to care about the thousands of units that are being returned and exchanged in hopes of finding one good unit.

    I would tell you to review the iPad forum but I have a feeling that message would be lost on somebody so insistent on keeping their head in the sand.

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  • tinman0
    May 2, 05:56 PM
    But my iPhone is far more limited than my first Windows PC in that regard. Even with Windows 95 I could go from one app to another while letting the other on load in the background. iOS freezes everything. If I want a video to upload on Facebook, I have no choice but to keep the app open until it's done. On my PC, I can start the upload and then move on to other things while the process is completing.

    I find moving to non-true multitasking as a step backward, not a step forward. As you said, out systems capabilites are able to do so much more. I can be playing a computer game, hit the Windows key, and open a media player and never see a drop in performance. Why limit your computer to one task at a time? Kind of defeats the point of multi-core processors.

    I doubt that the Mac is getting the type of multi tasking that you see with the iPhone, more likely it's getting the option to suspend something in the background, but for everything else, life goes on as normal (eg I can batch stuff in an application whilst I continue surfing, reading mail, watching porn etc).

    As for the crippled multi tasking on an iPhone - it's a phone for heavens sake. The BIGGEST problem that all smartphones are suffering from is battery - batteries are not able to cope with the demands of the modern phone.

    If you let people multi task properly, the phone would eat its battery alive. And we've all seen bad programming (cough...flash) which given half a chance will kill your battery in 15 seconds stone dead just to show you some crappy ad.

    So a phone does need a sensible trade off when it comes to multi tasking, and both Apple and Google (with Android) made a very sensible choice to put battery before true background multitasking.

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  • avensis087
    Aug 6, 11:18 PM
    i dunno if this has been cleared up in any other posts or whatever, but does anybody know if there will be a live quicktime video feed? i figured if steve is going to be demo-ing stuff in leopard, he'd want the hundreds of thousands of people to actually *see* it! anyway, just curious.


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  • cocky jeremy
    Apr 2, 03:20 AM
    AirDrop wasn't on Preview 1 for me. (2008 iMac, C2D) and is now showing up on Preview 2. This wasn't specific folder older models, i don't think. It appeared to be random, as far as the machines it did and didn't show up on. So i'm not sure about others..

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  • Full of Win
    Jun 22, 05:40 PM
    No chance. The ergonomics would be a disaster.

    Treat apps like widgets, which have been part of the OS 5-7 years. Allow touch or curser control.

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  • northy124
    Apr 10, 10:06 AM
    Manual (stick) shift cars are rare today and I'm wondering how many people still know how to drive them. How did you learn and do you have a desire to own one?
    Rare? are you serious? please leave America and see how rare they are ;)

    I learnt how to drive a Manual from the get go, my licence allows for both Auto and Manual cars :cool: Jealous? :p

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  • NebulaClash
    Sep 24, 09:40 PM
    I'm a Consumer Reports subscriber, but I know their tech coverage is spotty at best. Sometimes it's laughably wrong. And too many people take their word as gospel instead of just one more useful data point. Heh, it's funny but as this thread is developing I just got a subscriber email from them asking for a $26 donation to them so they can continue to buy the products they test. I'll pay them $26 because I believe in their non-advertiser supported model.

    I just want to confirm that I did send them the $26 donation they asked for from their subscribers. I believe in what they do, even if I disagree with them on this issue (as noted ad naseum in this thread).

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  • kiddig
    Feb 22, 12:28 PM
    Here is my setup. Old but do the job
    20" iMac
    13" MacBook
    And my iPhone 3GS
    missing from the pictures are my iPad and my ipods

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  • granex
    Nov 28, 10:24 AM
    The Xbox comparison is not totally valid because in that case Microsoft could provide software support to the games makers and provide other incentives for content (as well as supplying their own games content). With the Zune (and other mp3 players) things are pretty much content neutral for the most part, except for online store purchases, where Apple has a huge advantage.

    The only way that Microsoft can use their $$ to greatly influence this market is by selling the Zune for a loss (as they did for the Xbox). They really can't influence the content market in the same way, unless they start paying bands to pull their stuff from iTunes, and even then that is a small piece of the music content market.

    They will have to win on features and integration -- so they are pretty much doomed. They have essentially bet the whole farm on the wireless exchange. We'll see how that works, but it is a density dependent advantage (if there are not enough Zunes around then there is no advantage to being able to exchange with people). Some animal species go extinct even when they are at reasonably large numbers when their relative density falls so low that they can't effectively find mates. This is called the Allee effect. If the density of Zunes does not increase above a certain critical level, even assuming that people want to squirt songs (or whatever it's called), then they are really out of luck.

    A cheap, powerful Xbox with lots of cool games has value right from the start. Microsoft could buy your love in this case.

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  • Phil A.
    Apr 11, 06:34 AM
    Manual (stick) shift cars are rare today and I'm wondering how many people still know how to drive them. How did you learn and do you have a desire to own one?

    As others have said, they are far from rare outside of the USA. Personally, I've driven several automatic cars (both over here in the UK and in the USA) and much prefer a manual gearbox: I like the better control and flexibility to change up when I want to rather than when the car thinks I should.
    With a manual box, you don't have to think about "sport mode" or "economy mode" settings for gear changes: you just do it when you want to :)
    The only time I think an auto works is on a diesel car / truck: Diesel engines have such a poor power range that with a manual you find yourself constantly changing gear just to keep the thing moving (I personally hate diesel cars with a passion but that's a different debate ;) )

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  • risc
    Nov 29, 01:36 PM
    and hinted that that theme gave a "little idea of where [Apple] is going."

    It's true then; Apple are releasing a toilet with an iPod dock! SWEET!!!! :eek:

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  • kdarling
    Apr 21, 03:52 PM
    Think about it, no complaints about the cheating but about being caught!!! Just where is the sense of proportion and focus on the real issues???

    This is not just about catching cheaters or even your own kids sneaking out of town. (Although I bet all sorts of relationship problems are going to come out of people checking this file. Yikes.)

    There is the good possibility that people's lives will be put in danger, simply because the info is so easy to get.

    A battered or divorced spouse comes to mind. Sync their phone and find out where their safe house is.

    Not to mention how many undercover agents or rebels across the world right now are cringing and wondering if anyone has gotten access to their movements.

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  • rk1991
    Nov 28, 12:08 PM
    Just got back from Mexico and during my time there had a run in with the local police. This is common as hire cars have different colour number plates so the police can easily pick you out of a crowd. Apparently we were 'speeding'. It's all fun and games though. I got the fine down from about $400 US to 1000 pesos. We were warned this would happen when we arrived and should just look at it as an extra 'toll'. I could have probably got it down lower but it was hot and we had a long way to go still.

    At the end of the negotiation you get a form to sign with how much you paid and then you have to sign your name. The document is cleary made in something like Word and it's in no way official....I signed it Ben T Copper! :p

    Corruption FTW!

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  • bankshot
    Jul 18, 02:06 AM
    A major consumer announcement at a developers conference? Not gonna happen. End of story!

    ThinkSecret hasn't been right about anything since they got in trouble over leaks.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 6, 06:33 PM &

    Guys, you've got to start somewhere. The TV show thing started with disney, and look at it now!!

    (not in Europe yet, grumble grumble)

    Jan 12, 12:50 PM
    Just thinking... Perhaps the MacBook Air IS the tablet Mac!

    Apr 27, 07:41 PM
    Here is a snapshot of the website '' from Christmas of 2005:

    Note that it defines 'app' as "a computer program like a web browser or word processor", and then further notes:

    "A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB thumbdrive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug, none of your personal data is left behind."

    Not sure when Apple's app store opened, but I know that I personally have (as others have) been using the term 'app' for many MANY years before even 2005 to refer to applications.

    Now I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that if you can't own 'drug store', 'hardware store', 'grocery store', 'software store', or 'application store', it doesn't make sense that Apple, or anyone else, could own 'app store'.

    Just sayin'

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 31, 01:00 PM
    Well regarding defeating the Nazi's and the Axis powers, one can credit the US to turning the tide.

    Japan? Yes. The Nazis? Certainly not. The Soviets defeated the Nazis.

    And anyways, as skunk mentioned, there are fundamental differences between Iraq/Afghanistan and Libya. Political opposition (in the US at least)siezes on superficial similarities as evidence of this being yet another invasion. But it is not.

    Sep 6, 08:45 PM
    You are not alone. I think there are a lot of Apple users right now who would love to see Apple release a mac-mini pro.

    Well I posted it in another thread however I just built a PC with some amazing specs for under $500. It was a P4 3ghz, 2gb ram, 250GB HD, 256MB GPU, DVDR, bluetooth, wifi. The kicker is it's a Shuttle so it's tiny, not much bigger than a mini, and it's made of aluminum. The thing is very Mac like. And being able to build it so cost effectively, really ticked me off.

    Because no matter what I'd get on the Apple side it would either cost much, much more or it would be hobbled in some way (GPU, monitor, etc.). In the end you have to realize that as a Mac user you're paying more for a brand and for the ability to run OS X. That's fine, provided you can find a system which meets your needs.

    (yeah it's late and I'm cranky) :P

    Mar 27, 07:48 PM
    Good idea.. and really interests me... but I would prefer the map to be on the tv. I would have to "take my eyes off the road" to look at the map.

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