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  • vnle
    Nov 27, 12:05 PM
    Black Friday Goodies :D

    Samsung LCD TV 40"
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  • jgould
    Feb 20, 04:25 PM
    Ok, So I moved the Mini back to the corner where it sat before, and added my wireless trackpad and keyboard to the desk. I'm still not sure on the keyboard. it feels different than the one built into the MBP. I think it might feel mushy... I need to put something on top of my desk so that things don't slid around... The trackpad will slide as I move it as will the MBP if it's sitting on the desk surface...

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 16, 08:59 AM
    Wireless iPod? I just don't see the point. Given how energy dense batteries are today syncing with iTunes would drain the battery in no time.
    Wireless headsets? Big cluncky things that needs to be charged too.
    The only rational for a wireless iPod would be if it became more of a PDA with GPS, or if went iPhone.

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  • geek143
    Jan 13, 01:44 PM
    The wireless implication is too hard to ignore.

    How that may apply to products is to be seen.

    Wireless IPOD connectivity..possible.

    New I phone with less features..maybe.

    Hope apple redoes the Nano, it is now a bloated form factor.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 16, 03:50 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (

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  • karlfranz
    Aug 24, 07:44 PM
    I went to buy a Mac Mini (single core) at my local Apple Dealer Wednesday and was told that they didn't have any in stock and that Apple has told them not to place any further orders on the current model. This rumor seems to fall in line with what I experienced.

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  • Popeye206
    May 2, 05:37 PM
    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    LOL! Yeah... and I remember crashing faster than you click your mouse on those systems. Windows 3.0 and 3.1 were a mess. But of course... most things were back then. how far we've come.

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  • catracho
    Mar 24, 08:27 PM
    Do you think that the support of these 5xxxx cards could mean the return of the 24" iMac?

    Too many cards for only 2 models (21" and 27")....

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 02:25 PM
    This debate made me think of this. Now that I've thought about it more this is actually really interesting. Reminds me of Kleenex, or Xerox.

    This has nothing to do with the current case.

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  • guzhogi
    Jun 23, 08:17 AM
    You just described a touchless OS X. It does exactly that...

    How does having these features make it "touchless"?

    Oh, you will always be able to run Xcode on a Mac. You'll just have to buy the developer subscription for a few thousand dollars per year in order to get it activated...

    Actually, a few months ago, Apple changed the developer programs to be only $99 a year.

    One thing I'd like to see is a stylus that can be used with this & an iPad. Before I get flamed, hear me out. It wouldn't be just stylus only. It'll work just the way it is with your fingers, but also use a stylus for fine work like a painting/drawing program. Some people have bulky fingers that are too imprecise for drawing.

    I gess you mean OS XI or OS 11.0 :rolleyes:

    Yeah. I just don't see the whole Mac OS UI being totally revamped to the iOS in just a point upgrade (ie 10.7). This would require a full upgrade as in Mac OS XI, 11, or whatever it would be called.

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 11:59 AM
    Why do you even bother trolling an Apple forum?

    It's fun reading about people who try to justify privacy invasion because Apple does it but would be raising a ruckus if it was Microsoft or anyone else. The double standard and blind following is funny.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 19, 04:37 PM
    Would you rather have the Libyan people (who have called for help!) slaughtered by Gaddafi?

    Historical observation: The Iraqi people never asked for US help, but there we were.

    As I've said we need to finish existing world combat projects before starting new ones. Or is it like Bush/Cheney said, "who gives a damn about debt?"- just the average citizens who will lose their pensions, health care, I suppose...

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  • JGowan
    May 2, 04:55 PM
    I'm afraid this might be confusing for some users - Launch Pad and iOS like behavior for MAS applications and 'old' way of doing things for none MAS applications ... doesn't sound very consistent - I hope they clean that inconsistency up for the final version.MAS? The Muslim American Society? The Municipal Art Society of NY? Malaysia Airlines? Monetary Authority of Singapore?

    Confused :confused::confused::confused:

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  • pagansoul
    Sep 7, 12:51 PM
    I'm a collector and I love movies. I can watch something I like 5 times a year and not get tired of it. I must note that my favorite genre is Science Fiction. My DVD collection is in the thousands. I do not watch TV because I can not stand commercials but I have several sets of shows, past and current. I also have about 400 CDs. I have purchased about 10 songs off iTunes but I tend to get the CD if I find I really like the sound. With only 2 of the songs did I decide not to purchase the CD.

    Now, iTunes Movie store. For myself I don't see much use. I have downloaded for free some short films that I play on my PSP and keep on my computer. I have ripped (off a DVD) a total of 6 movies (2 are Music Video DVDs) to my iMac just to see how long it would take and the quality. Since I believe I have just about every 'public domain' b-movie made on DVD already and just about everything I want that comes on a DVD I'm not the type of person Apple is gunning for. Right now there are people using P2P for downloading movies that actually think what they are doing is legal. They pay a few bucks to some site that's based in some other country that has different laws. It's these people that iTunes wants and they will pay a few dollars to get a downloaded movie off a creditable site. All iTunes needs to do is offer what those other sites do (a bit more, since it is legal) same speed and as good or better quality.

    Side note: If Sony would drop their price for UMDs to a more reasonable price like $5 then I would not need to make my own movie copies to load on my card. All they do is put the full lengh movie on a mini DVD, why charge $25 when a full size DVD is half the price and contains extras. Sorry for the side rant.

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  • pavelbure
    Apr 12, 09:20 PM
    To be more exact, "You wait while I use 2 of your 8 cores to render"

    Ty that's what I thought it was. I know on fce that irritated me.

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 25, 05:49 AM
    At least another USB port would be nice. Two was pathetic, three's OK, but
    four is more realistic number nowadays!

    Um, the Mini does have four USB-ports, and a FireWire-port.

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  • April Dancer
    Aug 17, 04:29 AM
    i dont really think the ipod needs to be updated.

    its great the way it is, and it hasnt even been a year since it was released!

    why are you all on this idea of an ipod update?

    the ipod isnt a computer that needs a new processor and faster components.

    mp3 files just play.

    Because they introduced video playback capability, that's why. I travel and this iPod has meant that I don't have to drag around countless dvds to while away hotel room evenings. I love it, but ultimately, the screen is ever so slightly too small (not by much, I'm not asking plasma screen here!) and I need more storage. I know I could go and buy an Archos or some such other brand but I really don't want to do that, and I'm very sure that Apple don't want me to either.

    If it was still purely an mp3 player I would totally agree with you. Besides, 10 months+ with no update is a long time in the life cycle of an iPod. Only going by previous form. :)

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  • macidiot
    Jul 19, 03:59 PM
    Actually, the analysts were pretty close this time, except for the profit margins. I'm thinking that the fact that the iPod is now using older parts (therefore cheaper parts) is pushing the cost down for Apple, and hence really making it a big cash cow and driving up the profit margin, even if they aren't selling quite as many as last quarter (which also has to do with seasonal decline).

    Edit: oops... it appears as though the analysts definitely did blow the whole revenue expectation a bit. Missed that.

    Actually, they were completely off base with their Mac estimates. Since it appears that most people on Wall St. think that Apple only makes iPods, this is no surprise.

    Most estimates were for around 1 million Macs sold. Apple came in at 1.3 million. There's the margin difference right there.

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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 19, 09:11 PM
    Truth, as ever, is the first casualty of war, and nobody seems to care as long as they can fabricate a good narrative.

    Never have I seen worse reporting than on CBS when they went on for several minutes about how many bombs we're dropping over there, how Tripoli is in a state of warfare, etc. "And now let's cut to [name] who is actually in Tripoli:"

    "I've heard nothing. It's been total silence here. Definitely no bombs going off..?"

    *studio silence*

    Mar 25, 06:08 PM
    This is cool to look at, but it's just a workaround for what should be happening... the Apple TV should run apps / play games. It's an iOS device. There's no need to get crazy with wires hanging off the side of an iPad.

    While I like seeing developers getting creative like this, I don't consider this mainstream gaming. An iPad 2 is $500. A PlayStation 3 is much cheaper.

    May 2, 06:00 PM
    I doubt that the Mac is getting the type of multi tasking that you see with the iPhone, more likely it's getting the option to suspend something in the background, but for everything else, life goes on as normal (eg I can batch stuff in an application whilst I continue surfing, reading mail, watching porn etc).

    As for the crippled multi tasking on an iPhone - it's a phone for heavens sake. The BIGGEST problem that all smartphones are suffering from is battery - batteries are not able to cope with the demands of the modern phone.

    If you let people multi task properly, the phone would eat its battery alive. And we've all seen bad programming (cough...flash) which given half a chance will kill your battery in 15 seconds stone dead just to show you some crappy ad.

    So a phone does need a sensible trade off when it comes to multi tasking, and both Apple and Google (with Android) made a very sensible choice to put battery before true background multitasking.

    I wasn't saying there's not justification for single task oparation on a phone. I just think it would be a bad move to bring that type of thinking to an admittedly more powerful machine.

    Nov 29, 10:27 PM
    Reading through all the expectations in this thread has me thinking that there are going to be some veeeery disappointed people on the day this is announced.

    I'm guessing it'll be something like Airport Express, but for video. With a Front Row interface and a remote. Watch videos from you iTunes library, browse the iTunes store, subscribe to video podcasts, watch streaming movie trailers. Maybe a built-in web browser. If we're lucky, it will be able to browse and play video from YouTube or other video sites. That's all I'm expecting, anyway.

    Apr 2, 07:37 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    Nov 15, 05:55 PM
    For some time, Handbrake didn't use more than two cores - owners of Quad G5s reported CPU usage of exactly 50 percent, then someone changed it and Quad G5s reported 100 percent CPU usage.

    What we don't know: Was the code changed to use up to four processors, or as many processors as are available? Developers are usually very unwilling to ship code that they haven't been able to try out, so expect a version using eight cores about two days after the developers have access to an eight core machine.

    In the case of Handbrake, encoding to MPEG4 seems already limited by the speed of the DVD drive; you can't encode faster than you can read from the DVD. H.264 is still limited by processor speed. Using eight cores is not too difficult; for example, if you encode 60 minutes of video, just give 7 1/2 minutes to each core.I almost NEVER use handbrake from an optical DVD. That makes no sense to me. Why would you do that? :confused:

    I use Handbrake about 12-18 hours of every day and I use it after creating high quality DVD images from EyeTV HDTV recordings with Toast 7.1 UB. On a Mac Pro Handbrake can use more than 3 cores and Toast can use all 4 cores. This is why I want an 8 core Mac Pro. Once you start running Toast and Handbrake simultaneously, you see why those of us who do this kind of repetitive DVD Image creation for Handbrake to mp4 compression truly need 8-cores NOW. :eek:

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